Sound Healing
Sound Healing has a wide range of wellness benefits - from reducing anxiety, stress and pain to lifting the mood and calming the mind.
Healing uses sound and vibration. It is one of the oldest, most natural and most powerful ways of healing in existence, dating back more than 3000 years. Sound Healing works on the principle that everything in the universe is energy in vibration. Nikola Tesla once said, If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. We all have our favourite songs that expand our hearts when we listen to them. Some vibrations cause us to expand and some cause us to contract.The rhythmic frequencies produced by ancient instruments, like Himalayan bowls and gongs, during our Sound Healing sessions, layer into a sea of vibration. These waves can help us shift from the energy frequencies of guilt, anger and fear, to vibrations of love, happiness and peace. The echo and vibrations created interact with the water in our bodies, with our DNA and even with our chakra system helping our bodies to feel, heal, rest and release.
Experiments by Royal Rife and Masaru Emoto have scientifically proved the benefits and effects of sound, frequencies and vibrations. The natural healing process of a discordant part of the body is triggered so that balance and harmony can be restored.
Enjoy a sound bath (no soap required!) which will leave your mind, body and spirit feeling grounded, renewed and with clarity of mind.